martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Revision exercises for 2nd ESO

2   Write negative past continuous sentences.
1   Alex / go / school
__ _________________________________________
2   we / have / breakfast
__ _________________________________________
3   it / rain / this morning
__ _________________________________________
4   they / listen to / the teacher
__ _________________________________________
3   Correct the mistakes.
1   Ana was do her homework. û
__ _________________________________________
2   We did writing emails yesterday. û
__ _________________________________________
3   They wasn’t chatting on the phone. û
__ _________________________________________
4   Mum were making lunch for us. û
__ _________________________________________
5   He didn’t having a shower at 7.30. û
__ _________________________________________

Past continuous: questions
4   Order the words to make questions about yesterday. Then answer the questions.
1   at 9 p.m. / were / your homework / you / doing / ?
__ _________________________________________
__ ________________________________________ ?
__ _________________________________________
2   sleeping / were / at 10 p.m. / you / ?
__ ________________________________________ ?
__ _________________________________________
3   watching TV / at 8.30 p.m. / was / your family / ?
__ _________________________________________
__ ________________________________________ ?
__ _________________________________________
4   doing / you / at 5 p.m. / what / were / ?
__ ________________________________________ ?
__ _________________________________________
Past simple and past continuous
5   Tick (ü) the correct sentence.
1   a   We were walking to the park when we
saw our friends.                                      
     b   We walked to the park when we were
seeing our friends.                                  
2   a   She swam in the river when she was
cutting her foot.                                      
     b   She was swimming in the river when
she cut her foot.                                     
3   a   I was doing my homework when the
phone rang.                                            
     b   I did my homework when the phone
was ringing.                                            
4   a   He was seeing the accident while he
walked to school.                                   
     b   He saw the accident while he was
walking to school.                                  
5   a   They were having dinner when I arrived.    
            b          They had dinner when I was arriving.      

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